Last year, sitecore released a tool to generate these necessary files for sitecore support automatically.
That is Sitecore Support Package Generator.
This tool will generate/collect the required files from a given sitecore installation and generate a zip for you or will directly submit it to sitecore support. Cool.. isn't it :-)
This saved lot of time for us. :-)
Quote :
The Sitecore Support Package Generator looks at a Sitecore CMS instance and collects information about:
• Application pool
• Web.config file
• /App_config folder content
• Sitecore and IIS logs
• Windows event logs
• Performance counters
• /bin directory listing
• .NET framework files — required for working with process memory dumps
• Machine's hardware configuration
• IIS application pool identity user permissions
• Hash codes of all files in the solution.
• All files from /temp/__UpgradeHistory folder.
Think of a scenario that you don't have access to your production servers or your production servers are managed by a other team. Then you need to get some details from the server to fix a bug/issue in the production environment.
This tool comes handy in this scenario also. You can provide this tool to those people who manage production servers and just asked them to run this and send you the generated zip. simple. :-)