Sunday, December 21, 2014

Quick look at Sitecore XP 8

1. Sitecore admin login screen - /sitecore/login

Changes : Desktop/Content Editor/Page Editor selection NOT available

2. Sitecore Admin Homepage - Launch Pad

Changes : Speak Launch pad is the main control point in Sitecore XP 8

3. Sitecore Content Editor

4. Sitecore Desktop

 5. Sitecore Experience Editor (Previously : Page Editor)

6. Sitecore Control Panel

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Standard Values for Language Versions

Today, one of my colleague asked me about standard values and how they work when creating different language versions. Following are just a small note on what I learn regarding that.

Standard values are language sensitive. i.e. if you have different language versions, you need to create language versions for standard value item also.
Items does not inherit standard value of "__Source" field from its data template standard value item

A good blog post on standard values,

Friday, December 12, 2014

Create Versions Action for Workflows

One of my recent work includes to support a complex workflow scenario.
While I am working on that, I got to know the following small but very useful module, "Create Versions Action" module. You can find it on sitecore marketplace.

What this module does is, it create a new workflow action. By using this action, we can create new language versions for existing workflow item. Also, it has given a option of selecting which languages that you need to create new version.

I found it very cool.. :-)

I also extend this and added new features. I will write a new blog post in near future about that.

Bye for now.