Friday, February 26, 2016

Event Report - Introduction to Coveo for Sitecore - February Meetup - Sitecore User Group Sri Lanka

It again time for a Sitecore learning. This time, it was Coveo for Sitecore.

Jean-François L'Heureux, Software Developer at Coveo, generous to give us his valuable time to educate Sitecore community in Sri Lanka. He did the online presentation which spans nearly 2 hours.

In this presentation, which spans nearly 2 hours, Jean-
François discussed introduced to Coveo, a leader in intelligent search, and to the Coveo for Sitecore product. Participants learned what is important for a great website search experience, and how Coveo for Sitecore can help you. Also, Jean-François gave us brief but clear look into Coveo for Sitecore architecture, installation, and usage as well as its usage analytics and personalization features.

Meetup Event :

Unfortunately, we faced few issues with our communication tool from our side, which didn't allow us to record this valuable presentation. But, we have shared few snaps from the event below.

Presenter : Jean-François L'Heureu - Coveo for Sitecore expert from Coveo
Posted by Sitecore User Group Sri Lanka on Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sitecore Footsteps Chaturanga Ranatunga Wins Sitecore MVP 2016

Sitecore Footsteps' Chaturanga Ranatunga wins Sitecore Most Valuable Professional Award 2016. He became the First Sitecore MVP from Sri Lanka.

Sitecore Newsletter :

Full MVP list can be found at Sitecore MVP website

Brief History about my journey...

I started my Sitecore journey in 2010 and doing my Sitecore certification on March 2011 with Sitecore 6.4. At the beginning of my Sitecore carrier, I worked with and read blogs by awesome Sitecore MVPs. And it was more than 4 years ago, I was thinking what if I could become a one of those guys, the Sitecore MVP.

My work for the previous year...

- 41 blog posts for 2015 (overall 60 blog posts)
User Group Contributions
Sitecore User Group Sri Lanka - SUGSL
Initiator & Co-Founder of the user group
Sitecore Development Basics - March Meetup - SUGSL
Introduction to Sitecore - April Meetup - SUGSL
YouTube Videos
"Sitecore For Dummies" YouTube Channel
 - 23 small videos published
Sitecore Marketplace Modules
Sitecore Community Forum 
- top 1% in the community forum with lot of answers/posts/questions
Social Media
Sitecore knowledge share on Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin

People who helped me on my way...

My Team at IFS
Ola, Jon, Thomas, Henrik, Buddhika, Thisara, Asanka, Pradeep, Nalin

Michael Shaw
Helping me to setup Sitecore User Group Sri Lanka with lot of advices/encouragements/publicity

Michael Reynolds
Sitecore fashionate guy with lot of advices/help/encouragements. Also help us by presenting at our user group.

Nikola Gutsew / Matthew Kenny / Sen Guptha / Matthew Tilbury / Hiruna Dissanayake
Help us by presenting at our user group.

John West/Pieter Brinkman
Lot of kind advices/encouragement when I just send them emails requesting information

Klaus Petersen / Alex Shyba
My early stage online and offline motivators through their expertises & contributions

My Friends/Colleagues at Codehouse
Including Pasan, Prageeth, Udara, Ashan and all

My Friends/colleagues at HSBC
Including Hirantha, Indika, Dilanka and all

Our Friends at Virtusa
Including Anuradha, Shehan and all

It was a long list. But without them, I will not have to write this post. :-)

Thank You!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

IIS Error with "related configuration data for the page is invalid" on a newly Setup Machine

I recently got a new machine and installed IIS to run my Sitecore websites.

After getting SIM (Sitecore Instance Manager module) installed and quickly setup a new Sitecore 8.1 instance.

But, when try to browse the website, it returns following error message.

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.


And, after referencing stackOverflow sites, saw that some of my Application Development features are not enabled.



 Enabling Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Application Development Features -> ASP.NET 4.6 which fixed the issue.

 and now i am getting the following error, which was a huge release. 

Everyone knows how to fix this ;-)
