After the conversion to multi-site setup, there were few issues reported related to local site settings were not pick-up correctly. Following are the few issues reported
Issue 1 :
When try to open Experience Editor from Sitecore Launch Pad, it didn't open the correct local site, but open the Eperience Editor for default site (i.e. "website")Solution:
This was mention on several articls and the solution was to1) Open the “/sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/ContentEditing/ExperienceEditor” item in the core database
2) Change the “Link” field value to: /?sc_mode=edit&sc_resolvelanguage=0
Issue 2 :
When try to open the Experience Editor for an item from Content Editor, it always set the "sc_site" parameter to "website". So, it also was not picking-up the correct context
Sitecore has reported this as a known issue and has provided fix in the following knowledge base article.
In multi-site Sitecore solutions, the Preview functionality of the Content Editor or Page Editor may incorrectly resolve the site the previewed item belongs to.The context site may be resolved according to the value of the Preview.DefaultSite setting, or set to website as default.
After the above fix is implemented, site context site resolved correctly.