Sunday, August 20, 2017

Useful Extra Settings to be used with Multi-Site Clones

Recently we worked on a Sitecore solution where Clones are in multi-site scenario with each site have its own home node. So, for example, blogs that are created in global Home node is migrated to country home nodes.

Force Update on Clones

One major option that was useful in this scenario was Auto Accepting changes done to the source item in clones. Otherwise editors have to go into clone items and accept changes if any modification done to the source items.

This feature was added to most recent releases by default, but some older releases needs code implementation to get this functionality to work. Following article in Sitecore knowledge base explains this.

The setting which should be enable displays below

<setting name="ItemCloning.ForceUpdate" value="true"/>  

Inherit Workflow State to Clones

Next important setting to be set was making the clone items inherit the workflow status from the source item. This should be set to true to prevent any unwanted items getting published to publich website. In my opinion, this setting should be set to true by default by Sitecore.

<setting name="ItemCloning.InheritWorkflowData" value="true"/> 

Delete Clones when Original Item Deleted

Setting this one depends on your project requirement. But, in our scenario we didn't wanted to keep the clones when original items were deleted. So, we set the following setting to true.

<setting name="ItemCloning.DeleteClonesWithOriginalItem" value="true"/> 

Relink Clones to Its Sub Tree

This is also an important setting to be set to true. When in a multi-site scenario with multiple home nodes for each site, it is NOT enough to just clone the items into country nodes. Those item links should also be pointing to its own home node paths.

By default this setting is set to false. We enabled it in our site

<setting name="ItemCloning.RelinkClonedSubtree" value="true" />