Monday, September 7, 2015

Sitecore Config Include Folders

I was looking into how patch file integration working when I found out that, there is another confi include folder defined in the sitecore.kernel.dll code.

Following code was found in the Sitecore.Configuration namespace of Sitecore.Kernel.dll

We all know "/App_Config/Include" folder where we can keep .config files. But, what is this "/App_Config/Sitecore/Components" folder.

"/App_Config/Sitecore/Components" folder does not come by default with fresh Sitecore instance. So, I created the folder structure and try including a test configuration file (test.config) and it worked fine.

Then, I search in the internet for any information about this folder and could not find anything in the following Sitecore documentation that describes about sitecore patching.

But, then I did a search in the and found following document, which contains a description about the folder path and its usage.

Quote :
6.1 One more “Include” folderSitecore started to take into account one more folder during the initialization. The folder path in the following: /App_Config/Sitecore/Components. This folder is applied before applying the /App_config/Include folder. It does matter if we override settings, which are overridden by other include files.

Hope this helps!

WFFM Subscription Messages to Contact List with Sitecore 8

With Sitecore 7.5 and earlier, when you have WFFM installed, you will see "Subscribe to Recipient List" save action.
When this action is included into a WFFM form, it handles user subscription process.
When user submit the form, a Subscription confirmation email is sent with a confirmation link
When the user clicks on that email link, user is added to selected Recipient list & Successful Subscription notification email is sent to the user.

But, with Sitecore 8.0 onward, WFFM does not have such feature built by default.
Off course, you will find "Add Contact to Contact List" save action which allows you to add users to contact list. But, it does not come with the Subscription email handling feature.

We contacted Sitecore support on this and they provide us with an Extended save action, which handles the user Subscription process like it did in earlier versions. (Reference No: 433957)

Sitecore has mention that this will be included in-built into their future WFFM module releases.

Big thanks to Sitecore Support for there hard-work on providing us this functionality.

Hope this helps to someone! :-)